International Catholic Community

From all over the world young people gather in our parish to study, work, live and meet new friends. Veenendaal en Ede are two of the bigger cities in our parish and hold many higher educations, whereas Wageningen is particularly known for its university and young international population.

Did you know that Wageningen has the most nationalities/mile2…in the world? You’ll meet many of them at the campus and in the cafés. But what about the church? Maybe you were used to regularly visit a parish back home, or maybe you’re just curious and like to come by some time?

The ICC welcomes you all! Many of the members have lived in the Netherlands for a long time already, some stay around for just a couple years, and some are new.

On this part of the website, you will find information about the community and activities they organize or that are otherwise of interest for you.

For more information see the website:

Also here a link to an ICC-video: HERE


For more information: